We’ve had a busy season at many California Art Festivals. We’ve walked the plank with Pirates at the Vallejo Pirate Festival and eaten our fill of garlic at the Gilroy Garlic Festival.
Here is a candid shot of my two best designs, my daughter Alisha and my son John.

John and Alisha at the Fremont Art and Wine Festival
Although show hours are long and the days are often hot, the three of us make the perfect team and we have fun together. We each have our strong points: John with his youthful strength has the ability to set up our 20 foot booth in record time and Alisha artistically arranges jewelry in the majority of our display cases. We work together quickly in the early dawn hours, fueled by cappuccinos and chais until our booth is showtime ready and the first customers of the day appear.
All three of us enjoy the interactions with customers, both new and long time collectors and friends.
Here is the link to the few California shows left for the season. Stop by and say hello if you are in the area.