Although, I was sure the box was lost, we just received a box of hand hewn and hand painted wooden bowls from Zimbabwe (mid November 2018) It took five months for the package to arrive and in the interim, Bhekie sent me frequent e-mails. His main concern was that I had pre-paid for the bowls and that I might think that he had not sent them. When the mail woman knocked at my door, she was quite excited to be delivering a big box from Zimbabwe and I was thrilled! Unfortunately one of the prettiest of the bowls was broken but all the others arrived in one piece.
Below is a recent photo of Bhekie and his family which has expanded to include a baby girl, Patience. The son Adonis is able to attend school because of these bowls. It is my intention to make certain that when their daughter is old enough that she is also able to go to school.
There are four stages to making one of these bowls and in most instances, several different craftsmen or craftswomen are involved in the creation of each. Initially the log must be cut and formed into a rough bowl shape. The bowl is then ground to it’s desired thickness and sanded in preparation for the painting. The design is painted with natural pigments and the bowl is sealed and polished with a light shoe polish.
I met Bhekizwe in July of 2011 when my son John and I traveled to Africa. One of the highlights of our trip was the few days spent in Victoria Falls and visiting the local craft market.
As a craftsperson, I sympathized in the struggle these many artists were up against. The economy was bad, the tourists scarce and so many of the tiny shops were competing against each other by selling almost identical handicrafts. I purchased 8 bowls to carry home with me as gifts and after making our purchases John and I sat and talked with both the men and the women in the market. English is one of the official languages, taught in most of the schools so we were able to communicate easily. Because I was a craftsperson and in a similar business as them, they were interested to hear about the “craft markets” in America.
All of the young men carried cell phones and before I departed, I left with several e-mail contacts and the promise to e-mail photos to them when I returned home. I also promised to send a care package with used clothing and upon my return to California, Alisha and I collected nearly new clothing and I shipped the largest box allowed to Bhekizwe to share with his friends. He later e-mailed me photos of each of the women and the men that I had met, holding a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes that they had chosen from the box.

2012 Package from Zimbabwe
Last week the long awaited for box with 9 wooden bowls arrived and I am pleased to offer these for sale on my web site.

Zebra Design Bowl

Animal Print Bowl
All the profits and more go to Bhekizwe and his family.