Alisha and I look forward to creating many new designs in the coming year. “Off Season,” after the holidays, is our favorite time of year when we can sit elbow to elbow and disengage from the daily demands of business to focus our creativity. As much as we love getting online orders and the interaction with our repeat and enthusiastic customers, designing requires a separation from the world of commerce.

Marty and Alisha designing together
Our two person work space is crowded but adequate and most importantly intimate. We can both easily focus on our own projects but we can also connect seamlessly as artists and as mother and daughter.

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Marty and Alisha designing together
Marty is going to focus the first part of her design season on several new ring designs to include an Eagle Ring, a Cat Nap Ring and the remake of a very outrageous Mermaid Ring that she carved early on in her career.
For many years, her classic Owl Ring, with it’s the wings wrapping around the finger has been one of her most popular designs. Many customers have requested an Eagle Ring, similar in design to her Owl Ring and this coming spring, Marty will release the “Flight” of her new Eagle Ring.
Marty’s vision for her “Cat Nap Ring” is a substantial and sculptural sleeping cat that will delight all cat lovers. This well fed cat will curl “napping” upon a decorative, oriental carpet style band.
The remake of her very sculptural and outrageous Mermaid ring, designed in the late 70’s will be challenging. It is one of her most innovative ring designs that Marty is still proud of today. Marty plans to remake this ring, keeping the “flavor” but with more attention to detail.
Top designs on Alisha’s list are a Hedgehog charm and a Ferret charm. Alisha has an aptitude with wax and is making her mother proud!