Introducing my new Scorpion Pendant, pictured here in green wax, and soon to be added to my Arachnid collection. Made in sterling silver, these scorpion pendants will be available just in time for those born under the the Scorpio sign of the zodiac (October 24 – November 22). This extremely lifelike and three dimensional pendant is 2 1/4 long, it’s tail curving upward and forward, realistically.
Although I expect that this design will appeal to many Scorpio’s, the inspiration for this scorpion pendant came from my childhood. I am the daughter of a geologist, and I have always felt a deep connection with desert creatures. As a child of 5 or 6, I lived with my parents in an adobe bungalow in Indio, not far from Palm Springs, today’s desert playground for the rich and famous. I remember my father heading into the field each morning to map the geology of the San Andreas fault. My mother would pack his lunch, putting it inside a perforated aluminum lunch tin.
When he returned at the end of the day, he often surprised me opening his lunch box to reveal some fascinating desert creature that he had spotted during his hike. I never knew exactly what to expect – it could be a scorpion, a horned toad, a lizard or a snake, or some other critter. In retrospect, I suppose it’s no wonder that the jewelry that I design today often features these animals. Scorpions and tarantulas were no different to me than the teddybears that other children received from their parents. My favorite surprise was always a desert tortoise, but these would not fit inside my father’s lunch box. Throughout my childhood my mother and I tended to a parade of tortoises that crossed our path before returning them to their desert habitat (keep in mind that this was in the late 1950’s and the desert tortoise was not endangered or protected then).
During the day, while my father was in the field, I would find ways to entertain myself. My father carried many small plasticine specimen boxes with his geological gear, and I would frequently abscond with them to go critter hunting. I would explore our property, crawling under creosote bushes seeking out and trapping scorpions and tarantulas. The specimen boxes had clear viewing windows so I could examine the critters more closely, both top and bottom, and I found these close-up views fascinating. I learned many things from this — most importantly that while the larger scorpions were not to be feared, the smaller ones had the most potent sting. If I had not become an artist, I would wish to be a biologist.

Marty’s childhood desert home outside of Indio, CA
Pictured below is my vintage, 1978, version of my Scorpion pendant that sold well (and not just to the “Scorpios” of the world!) The time has come for an update and I hope my 2014 Scorpion Pendant will delight naturalists, zodiac aficionados, and those who embrace extreme and unusual jewelry. Also coming soon: the 2014 version (above) as a fabulous ear wrap!