East Cape Beach, Baja
Many of you know that traveling is a passion of mine and Baja is one of my favorite destinations. As the daughter of a field geologist, I spent much of my childhood camping in both the deserts of Southern California and Baja.

Cardon Cactus

Desert Road and Mountains
We just returned from a week at the tip of Baja where the desert meets the Sea of Cortez. The contrasting colors of blue against the sand are intoxicating and inspiring. We live off the grid with our needs met by solar power and just as the panels are recharged by the sun, I am recharged each time I visit. This time, we took Alisha and our grand children and left the Marty Magic business in the capable hands of Alison, our finishing and shipping elf.

Sunrise, Zacatitos Beach

Zacatitos Beach Walk, Alisha, Molly, Sterling
Sunrise beach walks, psychedelic sunsets and brilliant constellations mark the passing of each day. The pounding surf and the sharp chirp of the geckos are our nightly serenade. February is the height of the whale migration and we watched the “whale soup” from our balcony.

Surf, Zacatitos Beach

East Cape beach

Zacatitos Sunset
I love designing jewelry, inspired by the more unusual creatures inhabiting our planet and we encountered some odd and wonderful desert critters that might just inspire a new charm or pendant. Last year, we spotted a fever of devil rays hunting just off shore. The water churned with their frenzied jumping as they corralled a school of fish. I will definitely be adding a sting ray charm to my line before fall.

Baja Burros

Curious Burros

Baja Gecko

Whip Scorpion

Walking Stick, Zacatitos, Baja


Art and Marty, Tropic of Cancer, Baja

Santa Rita Hot Springs

Marty, writing, Zacatitos

Art, Marty, Punta Gorda Tide Pools