2017, Tucson Treasures
The photo above is just a portion of the booty we returned with. Alisha has already designed two butterfly pendants that will incorporate the matched pairs of triangular stones pictured. Stay tuned!

Alisha and John, Fossil Crocodile Skeleton
Alisha, John and I returned last night from the 2017 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. We had a great time and a successful treasure hunt, ferreting out all kinds of gems, minerals and fossils. We did our best to stick to our shopping lists but we strayed some and returned home with many unusual pieces that will inspire our creativity and take us in new directions. Boulder and Korite opals were on both Alisha’s and my list and over five intense days, Alisha hand picked beautifully patterned cabochons to set in her turtle backs and her frog bodies. I too searched through thousands opals to find a few exceptional stones suitable for one of a kind designs. Just to list a few, we returned with opals, fire agate, druzy quartz cabochons, stalactite slabs and tiny trilobite fossils.

Amethyst Crystals

Choosing Boulder Opals
The megalithic Tucson gem, mineral and fossil show encompasses much of Tucson. It’s tendrils reach into every motel room and parking lot alongside of Interstate 10, in addition to convention centers and enormous tent sites throughout Tucson. Even with five full days to shop we were not able to visit all of the venues.

Trilobite Fossil Slab

2017, Trekking through Tucson
I am blessed to have a close relationship with my adult children. We laughed and played with dinosaurs together and shared our excitement over our various finds. Over dinner we would discuss philosophy, art, design and business. As many Master Card advertisements remind us, times like these are “priceless.”

2017, Tucson, Lizard Eye, Owl Ring

Tucson, Playing with Dinosaurs

Come on John, just this last tent!

Too Large for a Pendant?