Marty Magic – Obsessed and Inspired by Giant Lizards

Art recently returned from Tokyo with two Godzillas to add to our collection. Giant lizards of any kind have been and will continue to be an inspiration and obsession at Marty Magic.

Alisha and Marty playing with their new Godzilla's.

Alisha and Marty playing with their new Godzilla’s.



Godzilla Attack

Godzilla Attack!








2019, John in Tokyo with Godzilla  looming over the top of a downtown Tokyo skyscraper.

2019, John in Tokyo with Godzilla looming over the top of a downtown Tokyo skyscraper.

Below are photos of some of our best lizard encounters!

Marty and Alisha - Komodo Dragon

Marty and Alisha with a Komodo Dragon – Komodo Island 2017

Alisha photographing a Komodo Dragon, Komodo Island, 2017

Alisha photographing a Komodo Dragon, Komodo Island, 2017

Our private boat to the Komodo Islands

Our private “luxury”  boat to the Komodo Islands

Alisha sun basking on our overnight trip to the Komodo Islands

Alisha sun basking on our overnight trip to the Komodo Islands








After a remarkable trip to the Komodo Islands in 2008 with Art and John, I wanted to share the Komodo Island Dragon experience with Alisha. Our 2017 adventure was an amazing mother and daughter trip. It wasn’t planned that Alisha would wear her Marty Magic t-shirt on our hike of Komodo Island but I love this shot of Alisha taking a photo of the dragon. To get to Komodo and Rinca Islands, Alisha and I spent an overnight alone traveling  on a small wooden boat with a crew of three Indonesian men.  The accommodations were minimal and we slept uncomfortably and fully dressed on deck. There was a single shared toilet for the 5 of us, no running water and the food was awful. Nevertheless,  I would not hesitate to take this trip again. Perhaps next time, it will be with my grand-daughter, Molly.

Art, John and Marty on Komodo Island, 2008

Art, John and Marty on Komodo Island, 2008

Traveling to the Komodo and Rinca Islands and seeing a Komodo Dragon for the first time is an experience I will never forget. In 2008, Art John and I hiked through the tropical dry forest accompanied by our guide with a forked stick. The Komodo Dragon is the largest lizard in the world. It is a monitor lizard with a forked tongue, serrated teeth and bacteria heavy saliva. They are dangerous and can take down an unsuspecting water buffalo, deer, pig or misdirected human. If not killed immediately, the prey will eventually die of infection from the bite. They inhabit just 5 islands in Indonesia. Rinca Island and Komodo Island are national parks where the dragons are protected and respected. With reasonable caution, one can safely hike these islands with a guide and have face to face encounters with these remarkable lizards.  As American Express would say: Priceless!


Marty holding a Green Iguana, Bird and Reptile Park, Ubud, Bali, 2015

Marty holding a Green Iguana, Bird and Reptile Park, Ubud, Bali, 2015

John holding a curious Green Iguana. Reptile Park, Ubud, Bali

John with a curious Green Iguana. Reptile Park, Ubud, Bali

John holding a curious Green Iguana. Reptile Park, Ubud, Bali

John holding a curious Green Iguana. Reptile Park, Ubud, Bali, 2015








I am blissfully happy holding a beautiful Green Iguana at a bird and reptile park in Ubud Bali. We entered a park size enclosure where these iguanas were free to roam. There were trees for them to climb and out of the way places for them to hide if they were not feeling social.  My iguana just wanted to snuggle and the big guy John is holding was curious and had a big personality. These were Iguana encounters of the best kind!

 John, Lizard Island National Park, Australia, 2010

John, Lizard Island National Park, Australia, 2010

Yellow Spotted Monitor Lizard

Yellow Spotted Monitor Lizard

Lizard Island, Australia, 2010

Lizard Island, Australia, 2010








The Magic Family has traveled the world in search of lizards. John and I took a 3 day live aboard dive trip from Cairns Australia to Lizard Island. Lizard Island is teaming with yellow spotted monitor lizards. Unlike marine iguanas, monitor lizards are fast and  skittish. One can travel to Lizard Island by boat but aside from one luxury resort with rooms over $1000 a night and 10 by reservation only camping spaces, there are no accommodations on the island.

 Marty surrounded by Marine Iguanas! Galapagos Islands - 2009

Marty surrounded by Marine Iguanas! Galapagos Islands – 2009

You need to look closely because the Marine Iguanas surrounding me are the same color as the lava. I couldn’t be happier! Marie Iguanas graze on seaweed and algae. They are the only ocean swimming lizard and can hold their breath up to 40 minutes and dive to depths of 65 feet.

Marty with Marine Iguanas, Galapagos, 2009

Marty with Marine Iguanas, Galapagos, 2009

A pile of Marine Iguanas. Galapagos Islands 2009

A pile of Marine Iguanas. Galapagos Islands 2009







Two Marine Iguanas, Galapagos, 2009

Two Marine Iguanas, Galapagos, 2009

It’s no wonder that Godzilla was inspired by these remarkable lizards.

John at ten with Show Off, our first Bearded Dragon.

John at ten with Show Off, our first Bearded Dragon.

My love of reptiles began when I was younger than John. As the only child of a field geologist, my father would bring me home lizards, snakes and tortoises as overnight pets. He would return them to the field on his next field trip out. When our son John was ten, he adopted his first bearded dragon. Show off was the best pet a boy or mom could ever have. He lived nearly 14 years and gave our family great joy.

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