Marty Magic Hummingbird flies on HBO Boardwalk Empire

The costume consultant for Boardwalk Empire called me earlier this year and requested that I expressed a pair of my large Sterling Silver Hummingbird earrings to the studio. At first they were thinking of the small version but decided on the larger ones. I’ve never seen the show ( I don’t have television or cable).  The consultant would not tell me which character would be wearing them or which episode they would appear in.

Well, it looks like they have finally appeared. According to a customer, “the earrings were worn by the singer/actress, Billie Kent, that the main character Nucky Thompson was dating.. (She sings a song about a hummingbird in one of the episodes.) They are in 2 episodes.. In one episode she loses an earring… In another Nucky finds the earring after she dies.. (Not this past weeks episode but the 2 previous weeks.)”

If anyone has a picture of the hummingbird on the show, please let me know.

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2 Responses to Marty Magic Hummingbird flies on HBO Boardwalk Empire

  1. Hi,
    Olga also bought jewelry from Renewed Heirlooms, including a pair of hummingbird earrings…perhaps explaining her reticence to reveal details and the episode in which the earrings might appear. We have photos of your earrings (they are lovely) from the show. Happy New Year, Pamela Stoughton and Sandra Boylan

    • marty says:

      Hello Pamela and Sandra,
      I would love a photo of my hummingbirds from the show! Can you e-mail me the link or the photo? Appreciatively, Marty

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