Studio Pets

Nowadays, three sets of paws come to work with three humans to begin the Marty Magic day. Alisha arrives with Luna, Jackie with Bonzi and Avira with Ellie-Bean. As we humans pour our first cups of coffee, the dogs frolic excitedly and sniff each other’s butts.

Luna and Bonzi

Luna and Bonzi

Ellie Bean

Ellie Bean












Because I have visiting canines almost daily, I do not need to own a dog. I prefer scales to hair or fur and the Marty Magic studio mascot has always been a bearded dragon. This past December, the third of my venerable dragons soared into lizard heaven. In spite of the scuffling of dogs, the studio has felt strangely quiet and I recently adopted a male bearded dragon.

Huitzilopochtli _Hoochie Poochie

Huitzilopochtli: Alias – Hoochie Poochie

Marty and Hoochie Poochie

Marty and Hoochie Poochie










At ‘his’ first wellness check I was surprised at his sex change. I am informed that that the golden dragon that I had mindfully named Huitzilopochtli, after the Aztec Sun God is actually female. Because all of us had difficulty pronouncing Huitzilopochtli, we had already given ‘him’ the nick name of Hoochie Poochie. The name sticks and she is a sweet girl who is not inclined to eat her vegetables but wants only to gobble down cockroaches and mealy worms. Yummy!

Luna was a dumpster puppy adopted 3 years ago by my daughter Alisha. She is a Pitsky and I call her Lunatic because she sings instead of barks and is full of boundless energy. She is going to dog training to learn impulse control. Because of her big ears she is named after the Stellaluna Bat from the Janell Cannon picture book.

Ellie Bean and her family

Ellie Bean and her family

Alisha and Stella Luna.

Alisha and Stella Luna.










Bonzi, a German Shepard/ Greyhound mix is Jackie’s sweet and loyal canine companion of almost 11 years. He looks forward to coming to work and flirting with Luna and catching table scraps at lunchtime.

For the time being, Ellie Bean is a bundle of puppy wrinkles. She is a Shortybull and at only 14 weeks old, already has her own instagram page.

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